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Modern church projection and setlist management software


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Create and edit songs

Every church uses different songs, and managing those songs is important, not only for the congregation during times of worship, but also for band leaders and musicians who use them for chord sheets. Song Vision provides an easy and intuitive song editor which can handle lyrics, chords and comments.

Create/edit song content

Create setlists

Creating setlists can be quite time consuming, and although Song Vision can't create your set for you, it does give you the ability to easily create setlists using the range of songs you've already added for your church.

To make things a little easier, you can search through the songs based on title, lyrics, key and author. You can easily transpose songs into different keys and also add comments to the songs for the rest of the band to see. Once you're happy that your set-list is ready, you can click the publish button so that the other users within your church have access to it. You can also put the setlist onto a page, adjust fonts and positions, and then print it just the way you like it!

Create Setlists

Song Lyric Projection

Displaying the lyrics for the congregation to see is very important for accessibility, and helps everyone to join in with songs, whether they're old or new. Song Vision goes further than just displaying lyrics though, it allows the projectionist to add their own backgrounds, both images and videos, as well as fully customising how the lyrics appear on the screen; be that simply the position on the screen, size and colour of the font or the type of transition animation between lyrics. The intention here is to give the projectionist a certain level of creative freedom and expression.

As a user of Song Vision, and a member of the team, the projectionist is also given access to the set-list as soon as the band leader publishes it. This means that the projectionist doesn't have to put the set-list together themselves for the purposes of displaying the lyrics, or try to figure out the order of songs; as it's already been done by the band leader.

Project Song Lyrics
Available on Windows and Mac

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